office-address Portugal:
M. Santos, Rua Santa Catarina no. 574 left side, P-4000 Porto

office-address Germany:
Kunstverein Via 113, Kleine Venedig 1a, D-31134 Hildesheim

15.3.2005 - open

Rua das Flores - Porto Fon: 00351-939330959

Das Auslandsprojekt 2005 des Kunstvereins Via113 richtet sich wieder in Richtung europäische Gemeinschaft. Dabei gilt es, den Gedanken der erweiterten Kunstproduktion umzusetzen, der sowohl die Produkte als auch das Umfeld (Rede, Kritik, Vermittlungsmodell, Grenzbereiche, Finanzierung) umreisst.

Der Ausgangsort ist eine im Zentrum befindliche Wohnung in einem renovierten Haus mit grossem Garten. Wichtig sind dabei sowohl die Mitstreiter Segnior Zé & Segniora Mafalda als auch ein im Garten befindliches altes Haus.

Sie werden in der nächsten Zeit über die Projekte auf dieser Seite weitere Informationen finden. Falls Sie Interesse haben, Informationen über die Veranstaltungen zu bekommen, schicken Sie uns Ihre email:

The foreign project 2005 of Kunstverein Via 113 aimes again towards European Community. We want to work on the idea of extended artproductions that cover the products as well as their environment (speech, review, model of arrangement, border limits, financing).

The place is an appartment in a renovated house in the city center with a huge garden. Of importance are the participating Segnior Zé & Sengiora Mafalda as well as an old house in the garden.

You will find more informations on these projects in the near future on this page. If you are interested to receive information about the events, please send an eMail to:

Juli 2005 - Gallery 1

There are wristwatches. 124 wristwatches. Some you can buy in a shop for 2 500,- Euros.

For others you have to have more money in your pocket or on your account. The most expensive is

143 000,- Euro. The purpose of the wristwatches-union is an exhibition in the gallery street Rua Migi Bombi, a project of the CLAP/clube de arte Porto.

Gold, silver, platinic are the prefered material they are made of but here they are in a paper version, cut out of a publicity, without face, without dial, only the noble metal-, the fine skin bracelets and the frame of the face. Inside it is nothing or white. The white wall. It´s not nothing. It´s time without hurry, it´s calm, peaceful, silent still, powerful.

Tribunal Judicial de....”

trabalho de CLAP / via113

Há pinturas que contam histórias sobre as nossas vidas e suas circunstâncias. Por vezes são inventadas, por outras transformadas, às vezes nem uma coisa nem a outra. Há fotografias que contam histórias muito próximas de realidades muito apartadas das nossas experiências rotineiras.

Aqui existem estas instalações, de especificidade local, texto pintado sob o título “Tribunal Judicial de....” que nos oferecem um respiro, um murmúrio localizado que nos refere e acorda para o eco de tragédias a acontecer nas nossas cercanias. Elas podem ser vistas sob a luz sóbria do corpo ostensivo do direito; só as cores nos permitem optimismo.

There are paintings which are telling stories. About our lives and their circumstances. Sometimes they are invented, sometimes transformed, sometimes neither nor. There are fotos which are telling stories quite close to a reality which can be far away of our daily routine.

There is this site specific installation of painted text with the title “Tribunal Judicial de...” which gives us a brief outline of tragic events in our neighbourhood. They can be seen in a sober light of ostensible right. Only the coulors are talking of better prospects.

Joana Carvalho -Pressesprecherin (Portugal)

Chairholders 2004: Mafalda Santos and Daniel Schürer

Briefwechsel (unfortunately only available in German)


Temporäre Aussenstellen Niedersachsen, Kunstverein Hannover

Internationale Kunsthalle Porto 1
Pêssego prá semana R. Antero de Quental 133 P - 4000 Porto

Pêssego prá semana is an artspace in an old house beside a cemetery in the center of Porto. Two floors with a kitchen and a bar are the basics, conducted by M.Santos, A. Sousa and M. Carneiro. Here the INTERNATIONALE KUNSTHALLE Porto I found the independent place for own projects, exhibitions and gatherings.

Internationale Kunsthalle Porto 2
Passos Manuel 178 4° P- 4000-382 Porto / maus habitos

Maus habitos is a spectacular artspace in the fourth floor of an old parking house in the center of Porto. 700m² space for exhibitions, concerts and other kinds of culture.

INTERNATIONALE KUNSTHALLE Porto II is situated in the entrance hall and it is equipied wit a sound system

whiteboard indoor-version
Passos Manuel 178 4° P- 4000-382 Porto / maus habitos

first part with the title "The essence could be to eliminate questions. The same like to eliminate garbage out of the museum"

Size: 1.80m x 5m, three parts, to fold up.

The wheels, the hinges and the methods of working are the reason for the flexibilty. Every for weeks a new work will painted over the other one. It remains a frame of 10cm of the work before. After 7 month the board is completed. Besides the part of the paintings the board is able to built up an own space, limited by its own sides, optional used for 1001 things.

14. Kunsthalle mobil


Seit 2004 steht dem Kunstverein die INTERNATIONALE KUNSTHALLE mobil zur Verfügung. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Fahrrad mit Hilfsmotor (SOLEX), auf dem eine kleine Halle montiert wurde.

Sie ist darüber hinaus mit Standlicht ausgestattet und wird flexible eingesetzt. Ihrer Standort richtet sich nach Ausstellung und Auftrag. z.B.

CLAP-letters: Porto 17.10.03 (portugiesische Version) - Porto2 Magnifico 15.9.03 (English version), CLAP 06.2004 Porto, CLAP 06.2004 Lisboa, CLAP questions whiteboard, 01.04.2004, CLAP opening lecture "IKH P 2" 02.04.2004

Invitations-cards for collectors
(catalogue of Kunstverein Hannover "Niedersächsische Herbstausstellung")

motive 1
motive 2